How Can You Find a Great Software Development Company?

How Can You Find a Great Software Development Company? Are you searching for software development companies that can meet your business requirements? Even though there are a considerable number of development firms, not all of them have the same service standards. It takes time and effort to select the best one out of them.  Businesses … Read more

Why is India singled out for bad code and poor-quality programmers?

Why is India singled out for bad code and poor-quality programmers? There are several reasons why developers from India are seen as low-quality coders. Here are some of them. 1) Demand for lowest skilled developer level In Europe and other western nations there is a demand for the lowest skilled and lowest paid developer. It … Read more

Advantages and Disadvantages of Node.js

Advantages and Disadvantages of Node.js Node.js is an open-source JavaScript platform for easily developing server-side and real-time networking applications using a runtime environment. It is built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. It has a non-blocking, event-driven input-output model, making it efficient and lightweight. It uses a single-threaded event-based loop to ensure that no executions are … Read more

What are the Salaries of the Software Developers in India?

What are the Salaries of the Software Developers in India? Software developers have become an unavoidable part of the IT industry over the past few years. The software development sector, one of India’s most elite white-collar jobs, attracts thousands of young people. It is possible to break into the software-developing industry if you invest time … Read more

Hire Zend Developers from India

Find out more about Zend Hiring in India

Hire Zend Developers from India When it comes to producing web developers, India surpasses many (bigger) countries. More than 50% of those web developers prefer to use PHP as their primary language. All PHP developers are very nostalgic about the Zend framework. The primary reason is that Zend is created by the very people who … Read more