Why is Vue.js in Such High Demand?

Why is Vue.js in Such High Demand?

The popularity of frameworks like Vue.js in the software development industry is now well known. Using such frameworks and libraries makes developers’ lives easier by providing a solid platform – reducing the number of bumps in the development process. Nowadays, the framework has gained more popularity and is in great demand. Why? 

It is a progressive open-source framework for building web interfaces and one-page applications. It can be used to create both mobile and desktop applications. There are so many reasons that make the framework in high demand. In this article, we will discuss the framework and its popularity in detail. 

Reasons for the Popularity

Evan You created Vue.js; its first version was released in February 2014. After working on many Angular projects, he decided to create it to extract the best parts of Angular and build a custom tool around it, kind of like a lightweight JavaScript framework. 

One reason for its popularity is its ease of integration with other projects and libraries. Installing and using it is very easy. It is simple enough for beginners to comprehend and create their user interfaces. Here are some reasons for you to check it out.

  • Minimal Learning Curve
  • Comprehensive Documentation
  • Lightweight Application Creation Capability
  • Flexibility
  • Ease of Integration

1. Minimal Learning Curve

As mentioned earlier, Vue.js is easy to learn with a low learning curve. It isn’t necessary to know JSX, TypeScript, or libraries like Angular and React to learn it. Beginners can quickly learn to code in the framework because all that is required is a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. 

Because of this feature, it became one of the most widely used frameworks, which many programmers adopted. So we can say that the framework is developer-friendly.

2. Comprehensive Documentation

The user-friendly documentation for the framework has several features that make it simple for beginners to create their first application, including the ability to search instantly, learn about keyboard shortcuts, get offline support, and more. 

Anyone with a basic understanding of Javascript or HTML can easily create their application using thorough documentation.

3. Lightweight Application Creation Capability

It is a fast-loading framework because of its relatively small (18 KB) bundle size. More developers download frameworks that are smaller in size. It makes the framework significantly superior to all the large frameworks that are currently available, especially React.js, Angular.js, and Ember.js. 

It also positively affects the application’s performance, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and user experience. It will eventually be of great help in the creation of lightweight applications.

4. Flexibility

Vue, praised for its adaptability, enables you to write quickly and run your work from the browser. Utilising ES6, JSX, components, routing, bundling, and other techniques, you can create any application, even one that is complex. 

It is a good option for creating cross-platform applications, and you have access to various environments. 

5. Ease of Integration

The ability of any new technology to integrate with other applications would be one of its biggest benefits. It requires only Javascript to work, which makes integration a breeze. 

If you’ve been using React or Angular, switching over is simple and gives you more flexibility when writing templates. Any project can use the framework because it is lightweight and has simple components. 

Future Scope of Vue.js

In the above section, we discussed why Vue.js remains a solid choice among developers in the software development industry. 

Like any other framework, its lifespan is largely influenced by trends and popularity. 

It ought to be able to establish itself and become more popular among developers. Here, in the case of Vue.js, it has grown to become a crucial frontend framework that powers millions of websites since its initial release.

  • It proves how potent this framework has become. 
  • It offers more features than its previous versions and is constantly improving. The ease of use, flexibility, low learning curve, and many other factors make it stand out. 
  • It’s safe to say that the framework won’t disappear soon, given that it’s backed and used by major corporations and has a thriving community.

Even though the framework has many excellent features, it has some drawbacks. So, while the framework has many benefits, you must also be aware of its limitations. However, knowing the drawbacks will help users use it well. 

A few of them are listed below for your information. It includes the following.

  • Language Barrier
  • Limited Financial Support for Large-Scale Projects
  • Lack of Experienced Developers

1. Language Barrier

Because the framework was created in China and some of the forum discussions, plugin descriptions, and instructional documents are written in Chinese, a language barrier must be overcome. Because of this, some information may need to be recovered in translation. It will be difficult for international learners who don’t know Chinese. 

2. Limited Financial Support for Large Scale Projects

Another disadvantage is that its community and development team still need to be bigger to compete with more established frameworks like Angular or React, which prevents funding for large-scale projects. The technology is anticipated to be well-supported and stable for large-scale projects so that any potential problems can be quickly fixed.

3. Lack of Experienced Developers

Since it will take some time for developers to adopt the framework and for the labour market to be flooded with skilled Vue.js developers, more experienced developers must be needed. It is because the framework is still in its early stages. More people should take an interest in learning the framework and using it seamlessly for their development projects. 

Numerous frameworks have been developed to help programmers create native apps and enable cross-platform development. But unlike any of the earlier frameworks, Vue.js has undoubtedly managed to survive in the industry. 

From the above sections, you would have understood the framework’s importance and its drawbacks. It will help you be aware of what the exact requirements are. 

Interesting Links:

More information about Vue.js

What makes Vue.js different from other frameworks?

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